About Me:

I am a 30 year old who has been married for 3 ½ years. Hubby and I are over-run with animals. We have a pot-bellied pig named Squiggy (passed away 2/25/11,) a puppy who is 9 months old (Lana,) and two cats (Chance -age 11 and Logan – age 1 1/2.) We call the pack our “farm.” **Since posting this, we aquired two kittens who found us; Tux & Red (6 months old.)

We live in a suburb of North Eastern Ohio, very close to the Pennsylvania border. I enjoy gardening (I actually don’t care about gardening, I like the HARVEST!), cooking (again, I like to EAT more than I like to cook), reading, playing with the animals, spending time with hubby, spending time with family and friends, traveling, and creating new experiences.

 My husband and I are working toward paying off our debts using Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover. I enjoy being frugal and strive to lead a simple life. It is always an adventure in our home…especially when you are dealing with two people that are “Simply Bonkers!”