Over this past week, I have really come to realize how much I need to manage my time better. I always say that there is no time for ME, and I still feel that way. It used to be I considered my “me time” when I was on the treadmill listening to motivating music trying to hit another weight loss goal or endurance goal. Since Summer rolled around, I have lost that 30 minutes to an hour on the treadmill and replaced it with being outside with the Squig-man and now Lana.
Over the past week, I have learned that I need to have a schedule, even for the mundane tasks. I wake up at 5:30 in the morning, nearly every morning. I have to be to work by 9 (it’s an hour away). That gives me 2 ½ hours to get things done in the morning. In the past, I would piddle that time away on the computer and catching up on TiVo’d shows (and playing with the animals.) Before I knew it, it was nearly 7:30 and I hadn’t even showered yet!
Now, I have a schedule for each morning.
It goes a little something like this:
5:30 – wake up & take Lana out to go potty – Feed Squiggy
5:45 – shower
6:00 – walk around the block with Lana
6:30 – make dinner for Todd and I for the evening / stupid chores (put away dishes, put in a load of laundry, etc.) and make my lunch for work
6:45 – outside to play with the animals / harvest in the garden
7:30 – check emails
7:45 – get ready for work
8:00 – leave for work
Do you notice how much time I have for internet/TV in this schedule? Not much! And I think that’s why I’ve been so productive lately in the mornings!
We needed a couple of things from the grocery store like milk, yogurt & potatoes. I don’t like to go to our local stores because they are so expensive (unless they are having a sale) – I prefer Aldi’s on these items. Aldi’s is about 15-20 minutes away from where I live – but only 5 minutes away from where I work. During my lunch break, I ran in, ran out and got everything we needed for the week…in less than 20 minutes!
I have also been reading on my lunch break – which gives me my “me time” during the day. I get to escape for a half hour while I’m at work and relax.
In the evenings when I get home (around 6:30), I rush to make dinner for Todd and I, then it’s time to play with the animals (more like wear them out for bedtime) until 8 or 8:30, and then it’s time to spend with Todd or catching up on emails. Bedtime is usually around 9:30 for me.
The key point here is – I need a schedule! I need something to tell me what I NEED to be doing at a certain time to ensure everything gets done throughout the week. The weekends are much more relaxed – anything goes!
What does your schedule look like?
I'm te exact same way. I need a schedle (and a daily to-do list) to be productive, or else I just wander around aimessly (or peruse the internet!)