Friday, November 12, 2010

Weekly Weigh-In: November 12th

I cant believe it, but this week, I lost 3 lbs!  I'm not sure how!
I was looking at my numbers on the LiveStrong app and I was really close to my number of calories pretty much every day.  I wonder if being in pain makes the body burn more.  Yes, I am still in pain with that thing on my armpit.  I cant wait for Monday to get here so I can find out what it is and hopefully to figure out how to get rid of it!

So, these are my weight-loss stats:

Weight loss so far: 11 lbs
Only 9 lbs to lose to meet my goal of 20 lbs by Thanksgiving.  Is this doable?  We'll see.

I have been thinking about lowering my calorie intake to 1250/day.  Right now, it is about 1400-1500/day.  I took Lana for a walk only once this week (yesterday.) I would like to take her out for a walk at least 3 days this upcoming week.

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